The virtual WorldGame 2.0 places participants in charge of the world and empowers them to fix it. Players invent the future by solving the problems of today. They are on teams that are responsible for raising the standard of living in different regions of the world. They do this by solving their region’s problems and those of the world at large. Players need to communicate, cooperate and collaborate with other members of the global community as they deal with global warming, meeting basic human needs and rights, environmental destruction, and dealing with global security and peace.
Incorporating the latest online collaboration platforms and data sources, the game is interactive, fast-pace, informative and fun. Players learn a huge amount about the world, its resources, problems and options in a short period of time while having fun— and shifting perspectives and widening their scope of the bigger picture by getting a hands-on experience of how world problems, nations, resources and solutions interact and are interconnected.
WorldGame/Global Solutions Lab
The synergetic combination of the new online global simulation WorldGame 2.0 with the Global Solutions Lab inspires, connects and equips students with perspective and tools that enable them to develop solutions to critical global and local problems. The WorldGame/Global Solutions Lab experience transforms the apathetic into problem solvers, and the concerned-but-don’t-know-where-to-start into designers and strategic planners for a regenerative future—where tomorrow isn’t an ambiguous threat but an ambitious vision of how the world can work for everyone.
The Game/Lab connects participants to the most important challenges facing the world. It gives participants the opportunity to use their energy and creativity for what they think important, and it provides a platform for interweaving traditional curriculum into cutting edge subject matter.
World Game History: Above photos left to right: World Game Report cover; Buckminster Fuller on giant World Game map with Medard Gabel on right of map at early World Game in Washington DC—giant World Game map, circa 1985, made from US Defense Mapping Agency Jet Navigation Charts at 1:2,000,000 scale; last image—Fuller at first World Game with students, 1969.
Below: Global Solutions Lab at UN in New York.
Here’s how
The WorldGame 2.0/Global Solutions Lab combines the short, powerful, thought-provoking WorldGame 2.0 simulation that provides perspective, the latest information on our dangerous planetary predicament, and the opportunity to change the simulated world— with an in-depth Global Solutions Lab where participants develop solutions for changing the real world. The Lab is where the explorations and insights of the “game” are made real through the research, design and development of real-world solutions and strategies. These solutions are then presented to local leaders and stakeholders, or – in the case of the annual Global Solutions Lab, to a group of UN, corporate, philanthropic, and NGO leaders. Especially original and timely solutions are published in books, articles, editorials and online sites throughout the world.
Together, WorldGame 2.0 and the Global Solutions Lab provide a powerful transformative experience and problem-solving tool-set that develops disruptive, innovative strategies for dealing with the intractable problems confronting humanity. The goal is the development of strategic regenerative designs and plans that can be implemented quickly in a cost-effective manner that make a significant difference in the real world.
The WorldGame/Global Solutions Lab is where the youth of today
meet to transform the world of tomorrow.
WorldGame 2.0 HISTORY
WorldGame2.0 premiered in June of 2021 at the 17th annual Global Solutions Lab. It is an online total re-design of the original on-site World Game Workshop that was developed by Buckminster Fuller, Medard Gabel and the staff of the World Game Institute in the 1980s and 90s. It is an online role-playing global simulation that educates players about the world and how they can get involved. The new WorldGame embraces Fuller’s original vision and updates it using the latest technology and data.
WorldGame 2.0/Global Solutions Lab
If you would like the WorldGame 2.0 — as a stand-alone, fast-paced and fun experience— or together with the Global Solutions Lab for your school, class or organization, you can do so in a variety of ways:
1. Become a WorldGame/Global Solutions Lab site.
What this involves/what you get:
• A year’s access to a dedicated web server that allows you to conduct the basic WorldGame 2.0 and/or a Global Solutions Lab for your students. The site includes a WorldGame Assembly Room (general meeting space), along with ten separate “breakout rooms,” plus other features. All materials (Operating Manual/Game and Lab Instructions, GameCards, Regional and Global Problems, Pre- and Post-WorldGame Activities, Lab Methodology, Publications, etc.) needed to play the WorldGame 2.0 and the run a Global Solutions Lab are included.
Cost, for up to 100 students: $199/year license.
• A three- to four-hour WorldGame 2.0 simulation for 15–50 or more of your students or members (WorldGame 2.0 can handle more than this—ask us how). This experience includes all game materials— Operating Manual/Game Instructions, GameCards, Regional and Global Problems, and Pre- and Post-WorldGame Activities, etc..
Cost: $400.
• A two-week to semester-long Global Solutions Lab that comes with either live or video onboarding, detailed curriculum and methodology (including the latest version of the Design Science Primer book and other background documents for each participant), comprehensive global data library (over 100 of the latest UN and other global organizations reports on the state of the world, comprehensive global data sources and links), plus the results of your Lab entered in the online Global Solutions Database and one entry into the WorldGame/Global Solutions Contest.
– Includes:
— Training on use of materials, platform, etc.
— Discount for your students to attend the annual Global Solutions Lab where they can continue the work on their strategy(s) and present their work to the UN, corporate, philanthropic and NGO community.
Cost: $500 to $1,500 depending on staff involvement.
2. Hold a“stand-alone” WorldGame 2.0 simulation for your school and/or class, conducted by EarthGame staff
What this involves/what you get:
• Online 4-hour WorldGame 2.0 global simulation facilitated by our staff on dedicated, password-protected web platform, along with all game materials.
• Debriefing with students to go over insights, learnings, questions, possible next steps, etc.
• All participants in the World Game/Global Solutions Lab become members of our growing global
community of problem solvers. Benefits include GSL Newsletter, access to contests, funding, etc.
Cost—$500- $1,500, depending on size of group, length of program (half day, full day, or some other time-arrangement that fits your schedule) and type of school or organization.
3. Hold a semester-long WorldGame 2.0/Global Solutions Lab for your school and/or class, conducted by EarthGame staff
Cost—$3,000 to $5,000 depending on size of group, schedule and type of school or organization.
4. Attend the annual WorldGame/Global Solutions Lab held each June
Cost—$250/person for virtual participation, $950 for on-site participation.
WorldGame 2.0/Global Solutions Lab is an engaged and passionate global community of students, educators, researchers, and professionals working together to design and develop strategic options for . . .
“making the world work
for 100% of humanity
in the shortest possible time
through spontaneous cooperation
without ecological offense
or disadvantage of anyone.”
— Buckminster Fuller
WorldGame 2.0/Global Solutions Lab—
Designing the abundant future
Inquiries: WorldGame 2.0/Global Solution Lab were and continue to be developed and operated by EarthGame, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt research and education NGO officially associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications. Contact us at info@1earthgame.org or at 610.506.7176 for questions and further information.
© 2023 EarthGame ™ Inc.